Multi-Pure Sponsors "Tapped" The Movie 30 day Tour Across Country

The movie “Tapped” has been creating a lot of buzz lately and Multi-Pure couldn’t be happier. The producers celebrated World Water Day (March 22nd) by launching their month-long “Get Off the Bottle” tour across the country. Multi-Pure is one of the proud sponsors of this tour and we wanted to let you know the tour schedule (listed below) so you can see if they will be in YOUR area!
Part of each stop along the way includes a screening of this eye-opening film, a challenge to tour visitors to stop buying bottled water, a gift of a free water bottle, and a heavy dose of encouragement for customers to check out Multi-Pure! Feel free to join the audience and take advantage of answering people’s questions about water filtration and how they can not only protect the planet and their family’s health, but also how they can earn extra income sharing the Multi-Pure message with others too!

To learn more about this exciting project and film, check out
Tour schedule: