The Importance Of Water Conservation

At a glance Earth might seem to be filled with water. However, as most people know, an overwhelming amount of water on the planet is salt water which can’t be used for much of anything by humans until a costly desalination process has been performed. Fresh water is a relatively rare commodity, and it’s one that life simply cannot continue without. This is why water conservation is of paramount importance.

What is Water Conservation?

Water conservation is the preservation of as much water as possible, though it’s typically focused on fresh water. This includes lakes, streams, rivers, ground water, and other types of potable water. This preservation takes many different forms however, and it varies depending on the region the water is located in and the types of threats that water has to deal with.

Different Types of Water Conservation

Perhaps the most common type of water conservation is simply using less water. Water rationing is one way to do this. Also included in this philosophy is the minimal use of water through methods such as using machines that stretch water for the biggest possible impact or simply using smaller amounts of water to clean dishes, shower, etc.

Water conservation also includes keeping water safe from pollution. This means that industrial dumping, proper sewage disposal, and a dozen other activities have to be carefully monitored to make sure that water isn’t being rendered unable to be used. This kind of conservation is often difficult because changes in human culture, such as the massive success of the birth control pill, mean that the water supply changes in unexpected ways, in this case an excessive amount of hormones being dumped into the water.

When pollution does happen though, water conservation becomes water reclamation. This is the process by which pollutants are filtered out, and water is made safe for use by people again. It could mean treating sewage so that all of the human waste in it is screened out, or it could mean cleaning up an industrial dumping site so that the remnants of chemical deposits and wastes are siphoned out of the water and soil so the area can heal itself.

How Important is Water Conservation?

There are people all over the world who don’t have access to clean water. This leads to perfectly preventable health problems which often times result in needless, unnecessary deaths. When combined with the changes in the planet and the growth of the human population as a whole, it’s important to make sure there’s always going to be enough water for all persons who need it.

Drinking, bathing, cooking, and a hundred other every day activities would not be possible without clean water. Water conservation is how people take responsibility for their own water resources, and how we plan not just for today, tomorrow, and next week. It’s how we look at the water resources for years to come, and ensure that there will be enough of this precious fluid for everyone who needs it.

Eduardo Dieguez is a professional writer at He spent time living in Switzerland as a child helping to foster a culturally open mind from an early age.