As Hurricane Irma sets it sights on Florida, and Hurricane Harvey is still affecting parts of Texas, folks are finding it difficult to find bottled water. Take a trip to any grocery store, and you’ll see empty shelves all over where rows and rows of water bottles used to be. Some grocery stores can’t keep up with the rush. Pictures of empty shelves circulated all over social media Monday as stores struggle to keep their shelves stocked.
While people who live in storm surge areas fall within areas that are urged to evacuate during a hurricane, people who live outside of these zones should still look into safety precautions during a hurricane.
The most important thing is buying supplies well in advance and keeping those supplies on hand should evacuation be required. If you wait until the hurricane is on your doorsteps, you are going to be waiting in long lines and they could even be out of the stuff you need such as bottled water.
Additionally, safety officials have long warned that if you are caught in a hurricane like Irene, you cannot count on immediate help. You need three days’ worth of food and water, flashlights, a battery-powered radio and a supply of your medications.
If you’re in a place where the hurricane has not yet hit, Fill your bathtub, sinks and any containers you have available with tap water, This water can be used for drinking, washing, and flushing the toilet. Water supplies are often compromised by hurricanes and either become undrinkable or stop flowing, but this is where a Berkey Gravity Water Filter will come in handy!
Berkey® systems assemble in minutes without tools, electricity, water pressure or plumbing. What’s more, they are simple to operate and maintain.
* ECONOMICAL – Berkey® systems are easily the most economical water purification system you can own. Their unique design allows you to easily remove and clean the purification elements over and over again.
* POWERFUL – Berkey® systems can easily purify ordinary tap water, yet are so powerful, they efficiently purify raw, untreated water from such sources as remote lakes and streams. What’s more, Berkey® systems are the ideal water purification systems to have on hand in the event of natural disasters such as blackouts, hurricanes, floods, earthquakes as well as local or national emergencies when treated tap water may not be available.
How Berkey® Gravity Water Purifiers Operate
To use, water is poured into the upper chamber. Gravity draws this water through the exclusive purification elements where contaminates are captured on and within theses micro-porous elements and are separated from the water. The purified water then collects in the lower chamber where it can be drawn through the spigot. What’s more, Berkey® elements are cleanable and can be used over and over again.
Gravity filtration has been used by relief organizations such as UNICEF, the Peace Corps, Red Cross Societies Internationally, missionaries and relief workers in over 140 countries throughout the world.
Save yourself time, money and peace of mind, by purchasing a water filter before the next disaster!