Ionizers are designed to deliver two things: clean and healthy water. Proper filtration is critically important to achieving both. While all ionizers employ a filter to clean the water; all filters are not created equal. Most ionizer filters available today feature three to five stages and employ only granulated activated charcoal (GAC) together with some form of calcium.
Fluoride and Arsenic in drinking water is a growing concern for many of us and AlkaViva has created a solution, the UltraWater Fluoride-Arsenic Shield. By using the newest cutting edge techniques, AlkaViva has created the first internal ionizer filter to reduce Fluoride and Arsenic to non-detectable levels in laboratory testing.
Fluoride has long been difficult to remove from drinking water using traditional filters because the standard point of use fluoride filters require very slow flow rates, much too slow for an ionizer. AlkaViva’s commitment to not only healthy, but clean and contaminant free water has lead them to new methods for reducing Fluoride and Arsenic that can be used effectively inside of an ionizer.
Advantages of The AlkaViva Ionizers:
Clean. Only domestic filter to remove lead, arsenic, fluoride, and other harmful contaminants to 99.9%.
Safe. Only water ionizer filter to be tested in an US EPA / NELAP Certified Independent Laboratory to government standards.
Research. Only water ionizer filter created using WQA certified water specialists, engineers and doctors.
Opportunity. Create an income stream by helping others enjoy clean AND healthy water
Natural. 100% chemical free, all-natural and sustainable media.
Green. Reduce plastic waste by up to 95%
Ethical. Say NO to bottled water forever!
The UltraWater has raised the bar on the water filtration industry with 99.9% reduction of an exhaustive list of the toughest to remove contaminants.
To learn more about the AlkaViva Water Ionizer, visit:
All good,but I’m still looking for a water filter that will remove Endocrine Disrupting Compounds. I’d be delighted if I could find something that would both removed EDCs and provide a high alkaline water. Any ideas. Last I knew, NSF did not certify an filter to remove EDCs.
The best way to eliminate EDCs from your tap water is an activated carbon water filter. Available for faucets and pitchers, and as under-the-sink units, these filters also remove most pesticides and industrial pollutants. Check the label to make sure the filter meets the NSF’s standard 53, indicating that it treats water for both health and aesthetic concerns.
Multipure uses the most advanced carbon block technology on the market today and is the Best Performing Water Filtration system in the U.S. Tested & Certified by NSF for reduction of these major contaminants: Arsenic, Lead, VOC’s, Cysts, Giardia, Cryptosporidium, Asbestos, MTBE, Mercury, PCB’s, Chloramines and many more. To see the complete list visit:
Thank you for sharing this as we have been looking for a way to remove fluoride from our drinking water!