Floridians Alarmed As Industry Signals Desire To ‘Frack’ and Drill Populated Areas
Written By: Sayer Ji, Founder – www.greenmedinfo.com
In what is shaping up to be a move as potentially disastrous for the Collier family name as the Collier county environment, a May 2013 drilling permit application by Dan A. Hughes company describes their intent to drill a 13,900 foot deep exploratory well in close proximity to a relatively densely populated residential area known as Golden Gate.
In an official statement made in April, Dan A. Hughes announced they had “recently entered into a mineral exploration leasing agreement with Collier Resources Company, LLP to explore for oil in Collier County.” In fact, Dan A. Hughes has applied for six drilling permits in Collier county in the past six months, four of which are pending and two of which have been approved…Read More