Multi-Pure Give Aways – Free Shower Filter or Stainless Water Bottles

Have you been in the market for a Multi-Pure drinking water system? If so, now is the best time to buy! Each quarter Multi-Pure introduces a new promotion that their distributors can offer their customers. April 1st began the 2nd quarter of 2010 and launched their  newest promotion: New customers can select a FREE gift every time they purchase a Multi-Pure Drinking Water System!

Customers can receive either a FREE Shower Filter or (2) Free H2O on the Go Bottles (17oz size) during the months of April, May or June 2010. They simply need to request this special at the time of order and include an additional $8 for shipping and handling for the free gift.
What an awesome free Gift… Thank you Multi-Pure!
To take advantage of this free gift offer, visit:
*Want to receive a discount on your Multi-Pure purchase? Mention this blog post and use referral code 417278-disc for a substantial savings on your purchase today. Call 1-800-622-9208 to order direct.