The Blue Death: The Intriguing Past and Present Danger of the Water You Drink ~ By Robert Morris

Have you heard of “The Blue Death“?  This medical history book written by Robert Morris MD, PhD, reads more like a mystery novel and is a real page-turner.

The author specializes in drinking water epidemiology and raises the alarm about hidden perils in our tap water. He says “Most chemicals are not regulated. Only 91 contaminants are regulated by the Safe Drinking Water Act, but there are more than 60,000 chemicals produced in the US, many of which appear in water supplies at low levels – and some of which may cause cancer after 10 to 20 years of regular consumption.”

In some instances, laws are sufficient, but they have been ignored: more than 20 percent of the nation’s water treatment systems have violated key provisions of the Safe Drinking Water Act over the last five years, according to an analysis of federal data by The New York Times. And the other major water law — the Clean Water Act — has been violated more than half a million times, though few polluters were ever punished.

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has proposed a new permit requirement that would decrease the amount of pesticides discharged to the nation’s waters, according to a press release sent out today.

This action is in response to an April 9, 2009 court decision that found that pesticide discharges to US waters were pollutants, thus requiring a permit, the release stated.

“EPA believes this draft permit strikes a balance between using pesticides to control pests and protecting human health and water quality,” said Peter S. Silva, assistant administrator for EPA’s Office of Water.

Dr. Morris has taught at Tufts and Harvard and also served as an adviser to the EPA, CDC, and NIH, in addition to the President’s Cancer Panel, which sent out a press release last week, encouraging all citizens to filter their tap water!

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The Blue Death: The Intriguing Past and Present Danger of the Water You Drink