June 8th Is No Plastic Day & World Oceans Day

Today we celebrate both “No Plastic Day” & “World Oceans Day”!

No Plastic Day is a world wide event intended to bring awareness of the over consumption of disposable plastic goods such as plastic bags and bottles. It is well known that there are floating islands of trash in most of the world’s oceans. The huge amounts of plastic trash we all discard daily doesn’t decompose, doesn’t break down, and most of it is toxic to the animals that accidentally consume it. The current rate of plastic consumption is not sustainable and is starting to create a huge problem for marine life particularly. Fish eat toxic plastic bits. We catch the fish and eat the fish. Its only a matter of time before we’ve polluted our own food supplies with plastic trash.

What you can do on No Plastic Day – June 8, 2010

  • No plastic bags – If you buy something from a store on No Plastic Day, bring your own bags. If you don’t have any cloth or paper bags, just reuse the plastic bags you already have. They’ll never biodegrade so you might as well reuse them if you already have them.
  • No plastic bottles – Drink water from the tap or buy drinks in aluminum cans or glass bottles if you must. 
  • Limit your garbage – Almost everything you throw away is made of plastic. By limiting the garbage you create, you will reduce your plastic waste as well.

Be creative – Everyone’s situation is different and you will need to customize your own situation for No Plastic Day. Be creative. Reuse, recycle, and reduce your waste. Consider it a personal experiment to find ways you can create less garbage and try to use no disposable plastics. Visit: http://www.noplasticday.org/

The worlds oceans cover more then 70% of our planet and June 8th is the day to appreciate our vast and amazing oceans.

As a result of a United Nations General Assembly resolution passed in December 2008, World Oceans Day is now officially recognized by the UN as June 8th each year.

The concept for a “World Ocean Day” was first proposed in 1992 by the Government of Canada at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, and it had been unofficially celebrated every year since then. Since 2002, The Ocean Project and the World Ocean Network have helped to promote and coordinate World Oceans Day events worldwide. We help coordinate events and activities with aquariums, zoos, museums, conservation organizations, universities, schools, and businesses. Each year an increasing number of countries and organizations have been marking June 8th as an opportunity to celebrate our world ocean and our personal connection to the sea.

Designation of World Oceans Day provides an important boost to those organizations and individuals who have been deeply committed to ocean conservation. Official UN designation is another important step toward improving the health of our world’s ocean.  Now we need to capitalize on this fresh momentum! We hope you will be involved in planning or participating in a World Oceans Day celebration near you!

Please visit the rest of the World Oceans Day website to list your event, get celebration ideas, access the media and outreach kit, and more.

In honor of “No Plastic Day” and “World Oceans Day” Get a HUGE discount on all Multi-Pure drinking water filters, Plus a FREE shower filter ($49.95 value) when you purchase any drinking water system from my site: http://www.thewaterfilterlady.com/

Those in the Las Vegas area are welcome to come into our test kitchen to fill their own containers with up to 10 gallons of the purest water available anywhere! We’re located at : 7251 Cathedral Rock Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89128. (Tell them Laura, the water filter lady sent you!)

Lets make every day No Plastic day & World Oceans Day. Together we can make a difference!