Mainstream media pushes malicious fluoride lie

Fluoride-free bottled water is harming children, they claim!

(NaturalNews) The mainstream media is at it again, lying to the public about  fluoride. This time, the culprit is HealthDay, a “canned news” service that  spits out lies and disinformation to be published by subscribing websites.  Recently, HealthDay put out a story by author Alan Mozes claiming that bottled  water might be harming children’s dental health because there’s no fluoride in  it! (
And  to really push their lie, they print the following conglomeration of total  disinfo:
A salt formed from the combination of fluorine and soil and  rock minerals, fluoride is voluntarily added by the vast majority of states  and/or local municipalities…

This statement is, of course, a  complete fabrication. The so-called “fluoride” actually added to municipal water  supplies does not come from soil and rock minerals; it comes from industrial  waste facilities and phosphate mining scrubbers:

Much  of it is imported from chemical companies in China, and it often contains over  100 different chemicals — including radioactive elements — which aren’t even  fluoride!
These  toxic chemicals are so highly corrosive that they eat metal, undercover footage  reveals:
See  the bizarre history of fluoride:
See  this interview with Fluoride Free Austin:

Mandatory, not voluntary!

Even worse, HealthDay tries to make fluoride  sound like something everybody wants by saying it is “voluntarily added by the  vast majority of states…”
This is a lie as well. Fluoride is mandatory in the water for those people who are unfortunate to live in a  fluoridated area. They never “volunteered” to have fluoride in their water. They  were never given a choice. To write that fluoride is “voluntarily added” — against the will of many members of the public — is wholly deceptive. To people  turning on their tap water, fluoride is mandatory!
Saying that  fluoride is “voluntary” is like saying breathing air pollution is voluntary,  too, because chemical plants “voluntarily” spew toxic pollution into the air.  Such word choice is highly deceptive journalism, if you can even call it  journalism. (It’s really just blatant propaganda.)
And, again, it’s not  even fluoride to begin with; it’s a toxic cocktail of industrial waste  chemicals. Nevertheless, this completely dishonest, lying news story by  HealthDay was republished by:
• US News & World Report




•, with the lying,  deceptive title “Bottled water might harm kids’ teeth.” (…)
… and many other “mainstream” news sites which are little more than chemical  pushers that poison the population and sell out to a corporate agenda.

The real story on bottled water

What HealthDay didn’t report, of course,  is that parents choose bottled water largely because they want to avoid the  toxic fluoride found in tap water.
• People buy water filters with  special “fluoride removal filters” specifically to take the fluoride  out!
• Many restaurants now advertise their water as being “filtered,  fluoride-free water.”
• Everywhere across America, informed people are  saying they want NO FLUORIDE in their water.
Ever wonder why? According  to recent research published by Harvard University, consuming fluoride lowers  your IQ. Yep, fluoride makes you stupid.

Harvard University  researchers wrote, “The children in high fluoride areas had significantly lower  IQ than those who lived in low fluoride areas. …Fluoride may cause  neurotoxicity in animal models and acute fluoride poisoning causes neurotoxicity  in adults, very little is known of its effects on children’s  neurodevelopment.”
Even the EPA says fluoride is a chemical “with  substantial evidence of developmental neurotoxicity.” (…)
“It’s  senseless to keep subjecting our children to this ongoing fluoridation  experiment to satisfy the political agenda of special-interest groups,” says  attorney Paul Beeber, NYSCOF President ( “Even if fluoridation reduced  cavities, is tooth health more important than brain health? It’s time to put  politics aside and stop artificial fluoridation everywhere,” says  Beeber.

The bottom line

People want bottled water to be free of chemicals  like fluoride. Only uninformed, ignorant people purchase bottled water with  added fluoride. Parents who feed their babies fluoridated bottled water are poisoning their babies with a neurotoxin that will make them  stupid.
HealthDay wants to make you stupid. Drink more fluoride, lower  your IQ, and you too can work for a mainstream media news disinformation  publisher whose articles advocate the mass poisoning of the American  people.

Prozac is 18% fluoride

Above all, remember this: What you are seeing in  this push for fluoride in bottled water is a desperate attempt by globalist  controlled to make sure that people cannot avoid the mind-numbing effects of  fluoride. The availability of clean, filtered bottled water has angered the  globalists because it gives people a way to avoid consuming fluoride chemicals.  This, in turn, causes more people to awaken from their mind-numbed slumber and  start questioning the world around them.
Yes, Prozac is 18.4% fluoride,  by molecular weight. Luvox is 17.9% fluoride. Paxil is 6.1% fluoride. All these  drugs numb your mind, using fluoride as the key element that reacts with  your brain tissue.
When you drink fluoride, you’re not only being  poisoned with toxic chemicals and radioactive elements, you are numbing your  mind to reality, pushing yourself into a “zombie” state in which you’ll believe  almost anything you read. Even including mainstream media news stories.

Get informed about fluoride


One Comment

  1. Barbara

    You are so very on the money, fluoride does effect our bodies. Fluoride is a poison, that causes neurotoxicity in adults. The effects on children have not been determined, as of yet.

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