Keeping Your Home Clean While Going Green

If you, like many millions of people all over the world, are serious about improving the environment and lessening the footprint that you’ve these on our world so that things are better for the next generation is and you found it, you’re going to want to try and improve your efficiency and “green-ability” as best you possibly can.

And while there are all different kinds of things you can do to dramatically reduce the footprint that you have and banish dangerous habits from your life forever – improving the environment while at the same time boosting your overall health and the health of those closest to you – changing out the cleaning supplies you use to more natural solutions is maybe one of the easiest and most beneficial.

Of course, going green with your cleaning supplies is never as easy as most people will make it out to be – but when you pay close attention to all of the insider information provided below you won’t have to deal with the headache, hassle, or struggle that some people have found that this transition to be.

One final tip before we begin to dive right in. Remember that there is no reason whatsoever to transition away from your traditional cleaners to a 100% green solution right away or in an instant, though you may find it beneficial to do so rather than slowly peeling the Band-Aid off.

Let’s get started!

Stay away from any and all “chemical concoctions” when it comes to house cleaners

The very first thing you’re going to want to do is try to eliminate as many of the chemical concoctions and potentially toxic solutions you have been using to clean your house, or at the very least water them down significantly so that their impact on the environment is lessened.

Obviously, going cold turkey is probably going to be the fastest, easiest, and most efficient way to make this kind of transition, but as we said above you can do so at your own pace – the whole point is to make sure that you get to the finish line and are able to continue on with this type of green lifestyle moving forward.

Try to look for natural remedies, natural recipes, and all-natural solutions to scrub, clean, and disinfect your home

Secondly, you’re going to want to research any and all natural remedies, natural recipes, and natural solutions that you can use to replace your old and dangerous chemical concoctions.

You’re going to find that hydrogen peroxide is as close to a “multi-tool” as you’ll find in the green cleaner world, amazingly efficient and effective at cleaning even the most stubborn dirt, dust, grime, and grease.

Sure, you’re going to want to water it down a little bit to make it safe for continuous use (and you should always invest in 3% hydrogen peroxide – you know, the stuff that comes in at that ubiquitous brown bottle) but it’s going to prove time and time again to be your constant companion during this transition and beyond.

Falling in love with naturally acidic solutions so that you can enjoy the benefits of “traditional” cleaners without any of the side effects

You should also look for naturally acidic solutions that allow you to kill bacteria, fungi, mold, and mildew left and right – falling in love with citrus fruits and the juice that they produce to kill as much of these hassles and headaches as possible. You should also be looking into different vinegar solutions that when mixed together can produce a very potent and powerful cleaning solution – one that will have absolutely no negative side effects whatsoever on the overall environment! White vinegar is one type that has many uses including clearing drains and even making your mirrors, streak free.

Hot water is going to be your very best friend!

Last, but certainly not least, you’ll want to remember that hot water (just as hot as you can stand) is going to be your best friend throughout this entire process.

Not only will you want to mix hot water with the solutions described above to create bulk amounts of cleaning concoctions that are safe, green, and all-natural, but you’ll also want to use hot water to do the bulk of the “heavy lifting” for you when it comes to the initial cleaning stages!

Pete Kontakos is a former restaurant and retail manager that is also certified as a wrestling coach. He enjoys discussing topics like sports, martial arts as well as business.