The bottled water industry has generated demand for its product through marketing, persuading Americans that bottled water is purer and healthier than tap water, even though the U.S. federal government requires more rigorous safety monitoring of municipal tap water than it does of bottled water.
Take Back the Tap Factsheet by Food and Water Watch
Take Back the Tap Guide to Safe Tap Water
Tap water is tested more frequently for safety concerns than bottled water, but the water quality reports issued by local utilities can be confusing to read. Use this guide to help understand these reports and why they are important. Then get tips on finding the right filter for your household tap water based on the water quality in your area.
Download the guide now
- Read the full guide online
- Watch the video summary:
Get the Facts
- Bottled water is not safer than tap water.
- Your water utility monitors and treats your drinking water according to federal standards authorized by the Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974.
- In 1996, Congress added a requirement that utilities must notify the public about any regulated contaminant detected in the water supply, as well as any water quality violation.
Take Action
- Sign the petition to protect your access to safe affordable drinking water.
- Sign the Take Back the Tap pledge to show your commitment.
- Host a movie screening and help spread awareness with one of several recent films about water.