How To Change The Filter In A Multipure Aquadome – Video by Carl & Laura Newton
When was the last time you changed your filter?
It was that time of year again when we change our Multipure water filter, so I decided to film it. Changing your filter takes about 5 minutes and is super simple. Take a look at how much gunk is in our water, and what we are not drinking.
Your Multipure filter should be changed at least once a year or more if needed. Some reasons for this would be if the flow rate diminshes, the water doesnt taste good anymore, or when you test the chlorine level with oto drops and chlorine is present. You’re Multipure filter will last an average of 750 gallons (average for a family of 4) under “normal” circumstances.
For more info and to order your own Multipure Aquadome, visit: or call us direct at 386-313-6261
It looks so nice and easy to change. It’s so nice to get that gunk out of the water. I see this type of residue in my distiller. It’s really gross. Thanks for the video.