Multi-Pure in Haiti – How you can help

From Multi-Pure’s Blog:

Here at Multi-Pure, our hearts are heavy because of the death and destruction in Haiti this week.

We have had many conversations with organizations all over the world who are racing to give aid and we are working hard at adding our efforts to the relief solutions.

Multi-Pure will be sending some of our MP911 and EF8 emergency filters to Haiti in the next few days in the suitcases of volunteers we have identified who are traveling to the country with several different relief organizations, followed by a very large shipment of specially-designed filters for Haiti.

We feel very grateful to have such an important product to offer to people who are struggling with the very basics of survival. Clean water is one of the very first concerns in a disaster. We’re proud to be able to contribute a tool that can make such an important difference in people’s lives.

If you are traveling to Haiti soon and would like to include some of our emergency filters in your suitcase for delivery, please contact our marketing department. We encourage you to make monetary donations to some of the organizations that are functioning at full speed on Haitian soil already, such as UNICEF, Red Cross, LDS Humanitarian, Hope for Haiti, and AMURT.

We were so pleased to hear from one of our own distributors who is actively involved in a nurse’s team that flew to Haiti today. Help is on its way!

Our prayers are filling the heaven-ward skies on behalf of the Haitian people. Hug your loved ones a little tighter tonight.

Want to join Multi-Pure? contact me for more info.
