1. Laura

    Well…I thought it was really cool and am looking foward to the next event! I'm thinking that something good may come out of this gulf spill. If so many thousands of people are willing to take up the cause of finding alternatives to oil, we may just have a chance.

  2. Laura

    Well…I thought it was really cool and am looking foward to the next event! I'm thinking that something good may come out of this gulf spill. If so many thousands of people are willing to take up the cause of finding alternatives to oil, we may just have a chance.

  3. Michelle

    Yay! What a great demonstration. No more drilling – I totally get on board with that! Found your blog through blog catalog. It's so nice to connect with other like-minded folk who care about the environment and the planet. Peace. 😉

  4. Michelle

    Yay! What a great demonstration. No more drilling – I totally get on board with that! Found your blog through blog catalog. It's so nice to connect with other like-minded folk who care about the environment and the planet. Peace. 😉

  5. H. Nizam

    Hello friend,
    Thank you for following my blog on Google Friend Connect. I have also followed your nice and informative blog. Let's keep in touch.


  6. H. Nizam

    Hello friend,
    Thank you for following my blog on Google Friend Connect. I have also followed your nice and informative blog. Let's keep in touch.


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