Take The REFUSE Pledge!
Disposable plastics are the greatest source of plastic pollution. Plastic bags, straws, bottles, utensils, lids, cups and so many others offer a small convenience but remain forever. REFUSE disposable plastics! Follow the “4 Rs” of sustainable living: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
Plastic pollution is a genuine crisis. No amount of political tactics, business greed, or disinformation can change the fact that there are almost no places on the planet that remain untouched by plastic trash. As daunting as this sounds, a change is coming. Global momentum for this cause is at unprecedented levels. We have the tools to affect great change and we want you to join us.
Over 100,000 people in our own immediate network willing to take a stand. In our coalition, we stand together with an extended social network of over two million. We want to offer them, and you, a chance to make it official. Become a member, right now, and be a part of the Plastic Pollution Coalition.
This is our invitation to YOU: join us today, become a part of the solution, and share the knowledge. As a member you will receive a members-only tote, made of organic cotton by our friends at Project Green Bag, our own monthly newsletter and an annual subscription to the award-winning Earth Island Journal. Supporters also receive our signature glass necklace, or, for Sustaining members – our REFUSE gold- or silver-tone necklace, custom designed for us.
Plastics start as nurdles (pre-production plastic) and sadly, they end up in our oceans in that form. Check out this video to know more about nurdles. http://youtu.be/57_KdKrJKeM
Plastics start as nurdles (pre-production plastic) and sadly, they end up in our oceans in that form. Check out this video to know more about nurdles. http://youtu.be/57_KdKrJKeM