1. Hurray for S.F.!
    Last summer I was in Germany with friends. We occupied a vacation home where we were strictly instructed in waste management. There were about 6 different containers dedicated to a specific “waste” or “recycle” bin. It wasn’t easy, but in Germany that is a MUST.
    Now San Francisco leads the way to zero waste and it will take awhile before it takes a hold, but it’s a step into the right direction. I hope many other cities will follow the lead.

  2. max

    nice to hear that is the Zero Waste City i think it might be the one and only city of the world which is Zero Waste City.

  3. zuzuwilson

    I’ll be honest. I wasn’t sure what it meant “zero waste” until I read this. This should be a no-brainer for everyone! I love the fact that separating our trash reduces the actual number of bags we take to the dump!

  4. Jayme Hennessy

    I wish more cities would offer recycling benefits. Where I live, we have to pay almost $30 a month just to get a recycle bin for our home. This cost deters many people from doing so. I pray that the “green” movement starts sweeping through the nation.

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