Help Clean Up Florida Waterways
Bottled water does serious damage to our environment, and it should pay its fair share of the cleanup. Ask the Florida Legislature to pass SB 118, a bill that will use a surcharge on bottled water to fund a new program to clean up bottled water trash from the environment.
Support bottled water trash cleanup!
You see it everywhere. Trash from bottled water shows up in our neighborhoods and parks, polluting the environment. On top of that, bottled water costs thousands of times more than tap water, and uses up much needed water resources in communities.
Florida State Senator Evelyn Lynn wants to create a new source of funding to clean up Florida ecosystems that are often trashed by bottled water brands like Aquafina, Dasani and Pure Life. Write to your Florida legislators today and ask them to support a surcharge on bottled water to help pay for the damage it causes.
In these tough economic times, we have seen massive cuts to dozens of state programs that are meant to protect our environment. But bottled water continues to endanger our ecosystems and creates mountains of trash. Demand that bottled water sales contribute a fair share towards protecting our environment!
Speak out today:
Food & Water Watch is a nonprofit consumer organization that works to ensure clean water and safe food. We challenge the corporate control and abuse of our food and water resources by empowering people to take action and by transforming the public consciousness about what we eat and drink.
Thanks for taking action,
Jorge Aguilar
Southern Region Director
Food & Water Watch
This is the response I got in an e-mail from William Proctor:
Dear Ms. Newton:
This is in response to your message of the 15th. Be assured that I appreciate your interest in the Ecosystem and Restoration Trust Fund. However, given the current recession on many Floridians, I cannot at this time vote in favor of any new taxes.
Thank you for your communication.
William L. Proctor
State Representative
District 20
This is the response I got in an e-mail from William Proctor:
Dear Ms. Newton:
This is in response to your message of the 15th. Be assured that I appreciate your interest in the Ecosystem and Restoration Trust Fund. However, given the current recession on many Floridians, I cannot at this time vote in favor of any new taxes.
Thank you for your communication.
William L. Proctor
State Representative
District 20