1. ENSO Plastics is an environmental company dedicated to reducing plastic waste. We would be happy to respond to any questions regarding our company, or the technology for biodegradable plastics. Please check out our web site at http://www.ensoplastics.com, email us at publicrelations@ensoplastics.c​om or call us at 866-936-3676. Our goal is to reduce the impact of plastic waste and we feel that biodegradable plastic is a step in the right direction. There is a lot of confusion regarding the terms biodegradable, degradable and compostable. There is a big difference between each of these methods for reducing waste. We would be happy to discuss how these work and how ENSO biodegradable plastics will help the environment. There is a proper place for using each of these technologies; however, our current focus is on providing a solution for biodegradable plastics.

  2. Laura

    Max, That is very commendable of your company and we Thank you for commenting. Reducing plastic waste from our environment should be a high priority. Plastic waste from bottled water is one of the major contributors of plastic in our environment as you know. Many environmentalists have been against bottled water specifically because of this. We welcome any and all alternative solutions to this problem. We wish you much success in helping to solve the glut of plastic waste (especially regarding bottled water). Please keep us informed on any solutions you come up with in the future.

  3. Michelle S

    At least they are working towards complying with the laws, and I’m all for working towards products that are “Cleaner’ for the environment, but I feel the government is going after the wrong people. I “understand” companies having to be truthful on their product labels, but on a plastic bottle and it’s ability to be biodegradable is a little excessive.

  4. Christine Sarkauskas

    I am glad to see that action is being taken. I Know that the state of California is a leader in enviromental issues, and this is just another case! I hope that the continued focus leads to permenant change.

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