Is Plastic Killing Our Oceans?

A very powerful youtube video is making its rounds on the internet. It has been touted as “The Most Shocking Plastic Pollution Video You’ve Ever Seen” and I have to admit, this is one of the most upsetting video’s I’ve seen, but feel the need to share it. Please watch it and pass it on. Plastic … [Read more…]

Multi-Pure Rolls Out Bottle-Less Water Coolers

The long awaited bottle-less water coolers have arrived! If your tired of paying for high priced water delivery, lugging and storing those cumbersome 5 gallon water jugs, and worrying if BPA is leaching from your bottles, bottle-less Water Coolers offer a healthy alternative to bottled water.  With a bottleless water dispenser, you’ll never have to change … [Read more…]

The Presidents 2008-2009 cancer pannel reports more than 260 contaminants in drinking water.

Source: 2008-2009 Annual Report ~ Presidents Cancer PanelEnvironmental Working Group ~ Preventing Cancer: 9 Practical Tips for Consumers Americans’ drinking water comes from groundwater and rain that fills streams, reservoirs, rivers, lakes, and ultimately, the oceans. Chemicals improperly stored and disposed of by industry and individuals alike soak into the soil and eventually leach into groundwater. … [Read more…]

Become A Certified Bottle-Less Water Cooler Specialist With Multi-Pure

 Multi-Pure is VERY excited to present our new bottle-less water coolers! All of our independent distributors are invited to attend one of two online training sessions which will provide you with the information and tools you need to professionally offer these new products to your customers. Your attendance and participation will earn you a specialized … [Read more…]

Multi-Pure Races For The Cure

I have to admit, I am so proud to be part of such a wonderful company that really cares! I give alot of credit to the awesome women on the Multi-Pure staff. They are such a wonderful group of moms, sisters, daughters and grandmothers who really go out of their way to make a difference … [Read more…]

Tapped the Movie Edited Video Portion –

This portion of the movie “Tapped” was edited out of the film..Please watch it. It is quite disturbing, and if it doesn’t stir up an emotion in you, I would be surprised. When you get the time, Please get this film and watch it. I promise it will open your eyes. When you think about … [Read more…]

Multi-Pure Partners with Environmental Education Week and Earth Day

Multi-Pure is a proud partner of “Environmental Education Week” this week, which involves thousands of educators and millions of students across the United States to increase environmental learning and stewardship of our planet. In celebration of the 40th anniversary of Multi-Pure and Earth Day this year, a new online curriculum unit has been created which … [Read more…]