7 Reasons To Drink More Water

By Thorbjorg (Mind Body Green)If you suffer from any of the following ailments, you may not be drinking enough water: fatigue, confusion, memory loss, dizziness, dry and wrinkled skin, brittle hair and nails, cold fingers and toes, constipation, eczema, headaches, urinary tract infections, and muscle pains.These are all signs of dehydration.Your body is made up … [Read more…]

Is It Time For The Government To Take Action On Climate Change?

Is It Time for the Government to Take Action on Climate Change? The recent report put out by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change brings about more detailed and serious questions concerning the nature of climate change. There is a domestic battle in America today over whether or not we are in fact faced with … [Read more…]

Multipure "Compatible" cb-6 Replacement Filters – Buyer Beware!

Have you been tempted to buy a Multipure “compatible” filter to fit into your Multipure water filter? If so, you may not be getting the quality of water you think you are. Recently Zachary Rice, president of Multipure, sent out a letter to all distributors addressing the issue of imitation filters and the importance of using only … [Read more…]

How To Reduce Your Water Footprint

How much water do you use every day?  The answer might surprise you. A paper released online last week in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences concluded that Americans significantly underestimate their water use. Curious how my friends and family would fare, I reached out via social media and posed the simple question, … [Read more…]

10 iPhone Apps to Help Keep You Eating GMO Free

As the war to force GMO companies to label their products rages on, iPhone app developers are taking matters into their own hands. By creating apps that allow consumers to determine exactly what is in the products that they buy, these developers are giving you total freedom of choice. These apps all have multiple features … [Read more…]

EWG's Shoppers Guide To Avoid GMO Foods

It’s estimated that more than 75 percent of the food in supermarkets is genetically engineered or contains GE ingredients. And with no federal requirement that foods with genetically engineered ingredients be labeled, how are you supposed to know what you are eating? EWG wants to make sure you have the information you need to make … [Read more…]

Americans Drink "Fukushima Bottled Water Imported From Japan"

Political prankster Mark Dice offers people cold bottles of “Fukushima Imported Mineral Water” that are clearly marked with a large radiation symbol he glued on the bottles to see if anyone would drink it without realizing the significance of the name “Fukushima” or realizing the bottles were marked “radioactive.” Shot in San Diego, California. Mark … [Read more…]